Matching Your Lifestyle with the Right Attorney

If you are involved in any sort of legal matter, it’s important that you have a representative you can trust. Ideally, you will talk to at least two or three different attorneys prior to making a hiring decision. Let’s take a look at some of the factors you should consider during a consultation to help you make a smart choice.


Does Your Attorney Seem Interested in You?


During a consultation, there isn’t always a lot of time for chit-chat. However, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t time for a little banter during a conversation. For instance, a prospective attorney could ask about your kids, job or anything else that might be pertinent to your case. This can help to build a rapport that will hopefully lead to a mutual trust and respect throughout your proceeding.


How Does Your Attorney Like to Communicate?


Ideally, your attorney will have a communication style that you’re comfortable with. For example, you might prefer to communicate via email or text as opposed to talking on the phone. If your prospective legal representative only takes phone calls, you might not feel comfortable seeking updates on your case or asking questions as they arise.


In addition, you may have a work schedule that only allows you to contact your attorney at night or over the weekend. If your attorney adheres to a traditional work schedule, it may be difficult to communicate in a timely manner. During a consultation, you should talk about how communication will occur and when it will occur so that you can make a more informed decision.


Do You Always Have to Initiate the Conversation?


Ideally, your attorney will reach out to you every so often to let you know how your case is progressing. Furthermore, a prospective counselor should be proactive in developing a legal strategy and taking steps to help you obtain a favorable outcome in your case. However, you also want to ensure that you have a representative who will listen to your input during the matter. For example, if you want to testify at trial, your counselor should at least be open to that possibility.


Ultimately, these things let you know that your attorney is on top of your case and that you can have faith in what he or she is doing and knows the law. Having trust in your representative can make it easier when you don’t hear from that person over several days or weeks. This is because you can feel good knowing that your advocate is likely doing something positive or simply waiting on other parties to do their jobs before helping you.


Any attorney who you hire has an ethical responsibility to help you obtain a favorable outcome in your case. However, as with any other professional, some people are better suited to meet your needs than others. This is why it’s important to ask the right questions before spending any money on an advocate to help you with a matter that could impact the rest of your life.