Pauly Long started MineSet at the beginning of the year, helping people live the lives they aspire to live through online video sessions. In a year of home office and global re-assessment, the self-made entrepreneur couldn’t have chosen a better timing to launch his business.
The inspirational figure from Philadelphia set out into a journey of self-discovery and growth last year, leaving his hometown behind for travels and abundance. Trying his luck in all sorts of different industries, he was expecting to find what he was looking for if one of those efforts resulted in success. On his path to find his purpose in life, he made incredible contacts and learned valuable lessons. Long realized how much he impacted people on a daily with his advice, shared experiences and information. And turned this into his purpose.
He went on to help people all over the world succeed in their private lives as well as their careers just by being themselves, just by using the tools they were born with.
His social media platforms have become a place for authentic and honest exchange and uplifting and inspiring daily lessons.
Pauly Long is everything but a sweet talk sales coach, he will dive deep and go straight to the elementals of building the right mindset. He knows that it takes a look at the bigger picture to make lasting and impactful changes in life. The fact that he helps people as a motivational & mind set coach and at the same time can consult and help them when it comes to building their own businesses and independent lifestyle, is a massive bonus.
The MineSet master is heavily involved in social media marketing and knows what it takes to start something from scratch and turn it into success. The announcement that he is looking to officially expand his company’s services and launch MineSet Marketing in December 2020 didn’t come as a surprise for any of his followers, who have been requesting exactly those tailored consulting and business related services for a while.
In times of zoom conferences and online call sessions, Pauly Long is making the most of modern technology to continue hosting high audience speeches and lessons. The naturally gifted rhetorician is looking forward to the future where he can go back to speaking face to face to his clients and listeners at events. Seeing the direct results and receiving the personal feedback of the people he impacts is what makes him so passionate about his purpose after all.
Soon, the hundreds of MineSet clients will be able to receive their lessons, coaching and contact options through the currently in development MineSet-app.
The coach has his vision and focus very clearly set on where he wants to go – to change as many lives for the better as he can. And he’s only just started.