Fashion Mogul and The Starstruck Collection Founder Roderick Harvey Gives Back to the Community through Graffiti Line 

Fashion is a certified art form. The fashion industry is decorated with iconic hits and misses, with many designers consistently breaking new ground and setting fashion trends with each creative piece. As someone passionate about proving his accuracy in the thriving industry, Roderick Harvey stands at the helm of Starstruck, a brand redefining streetwear with creative stylings that leaves fashion enthusiasts in awe. 

A creative stylist with a unique flair that translates into stunning fashion pieces, Roderick Harvey is the maverick mastermind behind the successful streetwear brand. Equipped with a stunning vision for the fashion industry’s future, Roderick has cultivated his streetwear brand to become one of the most highly coveted fashion brands in such a short span of time. His latest Starstruck Collection is a testament to his creative genius. 

The Starstruck Collection is not just about outfits; it is a lifestyle. The collection features stylish and comfortable tracksuits in a wide range of colors and designs tailor-made for comfort while exuding style. By combining function and form, the fashion pieces are perfect for those who want to make a statement without sacrificing comfort. So whether you are shopping for an athleisure-inspired look or something edgier and streetwear-inspired, the Starstruck Collection has you covered. 

As a brand renowned for its comfortability and its bold and stylish designs, Starstruck profoundly resonates with a broad base of consumers. Hip-hop artists, athletes, celebrities, influencers and a variety of fashion enthusiasts have been spotted wearing pieces from the collection, which has helped position the brand as a must-have piece in one’s fashion closet. 

However, like all successful enterprises, the brand’s success did not happen overnight. It directly results from Roderick Harvey’s relentless passion, determination, and impeccable work ethic. The firebrand entrepreneur poured his heart and soul towards perfecting his craft, which took 13 years in the making. “I started by making custom suits. After that, people called me the tailor to the stars,” he shared. 

Fast forward to today, the Starstruck Collection has now become a household name and a must-have in the fashion industry. Throughout his wildly successful career, Roderick personally attributes much of his longstanding success to his faith and personal values. “I got here with God and great work ethics. Hard work does pay off,” exclaimed the emerging fashion mogul. Additionally, he cited his family and friends as a wellspring of inspiration.

The industry leader credited his father as his biggest inspiration when asked what motivated him to pursue his passion. “I’m inspired to be great by my father, a hard worker. I’ve watched him ever since I was a kid.” Riding the waves of his recent successes, Roderick Harvey unveiled a new fashion line dubbed the Graffiti Line. The latest fashion line is his way of giving back to his community, as all proceeds will go towards helping young boys and girls find their passion and thrive. The Graffiti Line is a perfect example of Roderick Harvey’s philanthropic nature, never forgetting his roots despite his acclaim over the years.

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