Growing Multiple Ventures At The Same Time – A Case Study

Alec Martin, better known as Astyle Alive, has managed to lead a number of successful companies at the same time. All while keeping work & personal life in balance. 

It’s not rare that individuals who have a talent for business, come across with multiple promising ideas. Often, ideas have to wait until the momentum is over or simply can’t be prioritized. To be successful with numerous ventures at the same time, it takes an extraordinary dedication, an organized mind and absolute confidence in the outcome.

Alec Martin is one of those special individuals. The young entrepreneur was given the nick name Astyle Alive after becoming somewhat of a trade mark due to his lively and upbeat appearance. After launching his own clothes line, Martin had his first taste of entrepreneurial success.

6 businesses later

A few years later, Alec Martin is the founder of 6 businesses. One of them is One Umbrella Enterprise Inc., a commercial and residential real estate agency with top listings all over the States. Besides commercial and luxury residential real estate, the agency also expanded into another branch. Credit repair and consulting are often in demand in connection with realtor services, and Alec Martin took things into his own hands.

His youngest brand offers high quality CBD products under the name Tranquil. The expanding range of high-end products is endorsed by successful athletes and fitness professionals. Contrary to the several start-ups in the field, Martin focusses on a scientific and highly educative approach to the oil-infused products. Coming January, the successor is meeting potential investors in the United Kingdom, talking about a global expansion of the rising brand. 

Astyle Alive credits his success and attitude to his tight knit family and god. The faithful man states that he “is building step stones” for his family. His vision has taken him from moving to New York as an 8-year old to outlining a future of generational wealth and long lasting businesses. The most impressive thing about Martin might be that we’re without doubt that there will be more success stories to tell.

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