Who is Maxime Hinnekens and why you need to know his story

maxime hinnekens

Maxime Hinnekens is known for his success in business at a very young age. At only 22 he is in charge of three companies, for two of them he is the co-founder. Moreover, on a pandemic crisis, he manages to earn six figures profit on a single option trade. How are all of these things possible?

Beginning with the right decision

Maxime Hinnekens was born in Belgium, but at the moment he lives in three countries, Spain, The Netherlands, and Belgium. When he was 18 Maxime traveled abroad to expand his knowledge, as he knew very well what he wants to do in his professional life. He graduated from a private university and while he was a student his goal was to attend as many crypto conferences as possible. And this is what he did. Now, he has two bachelor degrees; Bachelor of Arts in International Business Management at Marbella International University Centre and Bachelor of Science in International Financial Management at The Hague University. 

The hard work always pays off

When Maxime was 18, he was approached by famous names in the industry such as Thor Magnusson, the ex-president candidate of Iceland who was impressed by Maxime’s ideas and work. Thor asked his help in designing a blockchain project. As a result, another opportunity comes to the horizon. Juan Antonio and was offered to help co-found IBERIAN and to run the business development which he happily accepted. Since then he doesn’t buy tickets to conferences any more because the organizers start to invite him for free.

It might be scary and stressful in the beginning, but not giving up will be worth it in the end.

The practical part of managing three companies

When it comes to specific steps in managing the companies, it is important to work on urgent matters and also on growing and expanding the current business. Maxime wakes up every day at 7 am, discipline is an important factor when comes to business. In the morning, he is more focused on the urgent tasks he has to finish and after lunch, his mind is concentrated on generating more ideas and working on new projects. It is always a circle, if you have a business mindset, your present achievements will be a determination to start a new project, not a final destination. 

I always seem to be able to convince someone into working with me/getting a sale. This has allowed me to establish a huge network of important people globally and from every industry, and this at a very young age.

His hobbies go hand in hand with his professional life. Maxime is not scared to approach possible new business partners and to express his ideas. This is one of the main reasons why his success is so big at a very young stage. 

Advice for the young businessman 

One of the most important qualities needed in order to achieve success in the business industry is to be brave and take risks. Be social, convince, promise, and deliver. If you believe in yourself, take the right steps at the right time like Maxime Hinnekens did, you will hit your goal. We asked Maxime what is his favourite quote, and fairly enough we are not surprised to see that such a great entrepreneur is fixed on new opportunities. 

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

To see more of his portfolio, please follow Maxime on Instagram @maximehinnekens and on Facebook www.facebook.com/hinnekens.maxime.